Environmental statement

This site was built as part of an eco-design approach in order to limit its environmental footprint, under the control of the GreenIT collective

Environmental statement of the website

Website eco-design level

  • EcoIndex rating : 63.466/100
  • Average water consumption reported to 1,000 users (in liters): 25.96 (i.e. 3 packs of mineral water).*
  • Average Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions reported per 1,000 users (kilos CO2e): 1.73 (i.e. an 8 km journey in a thermal energy car).*

Le site obtient la note Ecoindex de C

*Average environmental impact of the 5 most visited pages of this website.

  • Evaluation method

    Like any digital production, this website has an environmental impact that we present to you on this page using standardized indicators.

    We use the EcoIndex benchmark proposed by the collective to assess the environmental performance of this website. This is quantified using two types of indicators:

    • Website eco-design level. This indicator evaluates the implementation of good practices to reduce the impact of a web page. The level achieved is represented by a relative assessment from A to G (A is the best score) associated with an absolute score from 0 to 100 (100 is the best score).
    • Water consumption and GHG emissions related to page loading. This indicator quantifies the fresh water consumption (cls) and GHG emissions (gCO2e) related to loading a web page.


    For summary purposes, four types of data are represented:

    • Ecodesign level for the 5 most visited pages of the website
    • Ecodesign level for 5 typical website user journeys
    • Water consumption (expressed in liters) and GHG emissions (kilos CO2e) linked to the loading of a web page for 1 user, and reported to 1,000 users.
    • Water consumption (expressed in liters) and GHG emissions (kilos CO2e) linked to the execution of a journey for 1 user, and reported to 1,000 users.


    The analysis indicated was carried out on September 18, 2024, it is subject to change: the quantification of environmental impacts presented below is a photograph taken at time T.

  • Evaluation of the impact of the 5 most visited pages of the site

    Page 1 : Home

    La page d'accueil obtient la note Ecoindex de B

    • Water consumption reported to 1,000 users (in liters): 22.8 (i.e. 3 packs of mineral water).
    • GHG emissions reported per 1,000 users (kilos CO2e): 1.52 (i.e. a 7 km journey in a thermal energy car).


    Page 2 : Recruitment

    La page de recrutement obtient la note Ecoindex de F

    • Water consumption reported to 1,000 users (in liters): 37.7  (i.e. 4 packs of mineral water).
    • GHG emissions reported per 1,000 users (kilos CO2e): 2.51 (i.e. a 12 km journey in a thermal energy car).


    Page 3 : Omnipublish Products

    La page des produits Omnipublish obtient la note Ecoindex de B

    • Water consumption reported to 1,000 users (in liters): 2 3.6 (i.e. 3 packs of mineral water).
    • GHG emissions reported per 1,000 users (kilos CO2e): 1.57 (i.e. a 7 km journey in a thermal energy car).


    Page 4 : Technological Retail Publishers Solutions

    La page Technologiques Retail Editeurs Solutions obtient la note Ecoindex de B

    • Water consumption reported to 1,000 users (in liters): 23.4 (i.e. 3 packs of mineral water).
    • GHG emissions reported per 1,000 users (kilos CO2e): 1.56 (i.e. a 7 km journey in a thermal energy car).


    Page 5 : Brand and shop technologies retail

    La page Brand and shop technologies retail obtient la note EcoIndex B

    • Water consumption reported to 1,000 users (in liters): 22.3 (i.e. 3 packs of mineral water).
    • GHG emissions reported per 1,000 users (kilos CO2e): 1.52 (i.e. a 7 km journey in a thermal energy car).
  • Ecodesign

    Ecodesign is based on a methodology and a set of best practices to reduce the impact of this website on its environment. Concretely, it will involve limiting the technical resources necessary to display a page or execute a functionality, while being as close as possible to the user’s needs.

    Are you a digital professional and want to reduce the environmental impact of your sites? Here are some good practices to implement:

    Some good practices in ergonomics and design

    • Limit the number of features from the design stage
    • Remove unused features
    • Limit the number of carousels
    • Choose fonts with reduced weight
    • Favor simple and clean designs
    • Adopt a “mobile-first” approach where possible
    • Prefer pagination over infinite scrolling
    • Prevent automatic playback and loading of videos and sounds
    • Optimizing user journeys

    Some good practices in content management

    • Prefer images over videos
    • Limit the number of images on each page
    • Optimize image size to target format
    • Compress images using a tool like TinyPNG
    • Compress PDFs using a tool like iLovePDF
    • Limit the use of animated GIFs
    • Prefer glyphs over images

    Some good practices in development

    • Offer asynchronous processing when possible
    • Use only the essential portions of JS and CSS libraries
    • Cache frequently used calculated data
    • Limit the number of calls to HTTP APIs
    • Reduce the volume of data stored to the bare minimum
    • Use the latest version of the language
    • Provide a text alternative to multimedia content
    • Cut out CSS
    • Do not make any changes to the DOM when traversing it
    • Use lazy loading
    • Validate pages with W3C
    • Add Expires or Cache-Control headers
    • Compress text files: CSS, JS, HTML and SVG
    • Setting up an efficient sitemap

    Some good practices in hosting

    • Choosing an eco-responsible host
    • Install the minimum required on the server
    • Relying on managed services
    • Optimizing server energy efficiency
    • Reduce server logs to what is necessary
    • Apache Vhost: Disable AllowOverride
    • Using virtualized servers
    • Using an asynchronous server
    • Store data in the cloud
  • ARISTID, Silver EcoVadis level

    Among the 7% of companies with the highest CSR ratings. 

    Our company is thirty years old and has always known how to evolve and adapt to new challenges. In the 2010s we understood that our future lay in the digitalization of our business and in the design of technological solutions. At this pivotal moment we made the choice to invest in French R&D, we took our employees on this adventure by training them and we also recruited real specialists. It is by focusing on team spirit and human proximity that we have succeeded in becoming the leader in our market. Today we still have many other challenges: technological, commercial, but also environmental, and it is the energy of our teams that will allow us to meet them!


    ARISTID must embrace the challenges of its time, and put its innovation at the service of reducing advertising waste, our tools help to rationalize, to better manage and therefore to reduce the energy necessary for the commercial communication of our clients.


    Our IT infrastructures, already optimized, must be subject to even greater sobriety while remaining powerful, our internal processes must also ensure that they act for diversity and inclusion, respect societal developments… so many continuous improvement projects that we must tackle together.


    We were rated 69/100 SILVER 2023 level. We are therefore among the 7% of companies best rated by Ecovadis in terms of CSR.

    Find our 2023 CSR report

  • ARISTID, committed to eco-design

    The Green IT voluntary assessment

    As a publisher of SAAS software solutions, we are committed to implementing levers to reduce the environmental impacts of digital technology.
    This is why we have decided to apply this environmental performance assessment system, set up by Green It, which is open, free and standardized. A major step forward for Internet users and website publishers alike.

  • ARISTID, more virtuous accommodation

    Moving to hyperconverge

    All our application solutions are hosted within our own infrastructure. We have opted for a hyperconverged server infrastructure model: this new technology allows us to share computing and storage resources between the different physical servers deployed. Beyond increased performance for our users, this technology significantly reduces the environmental impact of our infrastructure by reducing the number of hardware required for equal performance. This has an immediate impact on the electrical energy required for its operation.

  • Useful links

    To set up the environmental declaration:

    Access the documentation

    Pour consulter la liste complète de bonnes pratiques de l’écoconception web :

    Access the greenit website

    Access the GreenIt respository (GitHub)

    To learn more about EcoIndex:

    Learn more about the EcoIndex benchmark

    Access the EcoIndex website



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