In-store communication

A strategic lever for retailers

In-store communication is a key element in the success of any retailer. It is essential for a brand to know how to communicate effectively with its customers, in order to inform them about the products and services offered.

The objective of in-store communication is to encourage customers to buy, but also to build loyalty. It is important that in-store communication is consistent and aligned with the company’s values. It must be visual, adapted to the target audience, interactive and engaging, in order to arouse customer interest and encourage them to purchase.

Unified commerce

A satisfaying in-store experience can improve your online reputation. Conversely, “1 out of 3 customers will abandon a brand they love after just one bad experience.” Source : PWC – Future of CX


Your company’s communications must be omnichannel. It’s very important to deliver a consistent message across all your channels simultaneously. This does not mean that the message has to be one-size-fits-all; it can be personalized or contextualized, but it must never be contradictory.


66% of French want stores whose offerings change frequently and offer new experiences on a regular basis.

Source : Havas study – Shopper Observer for Paris retail week 2021


To be in successful point-of-sale communication, it’s essential to think of this communication as one of the media in its own right in your communication plan. You need to create links with other print or digital media and regularly update your communication plan.


83% of French people believe that the future of shopping will be hybrid.

Source : Keyrus study 2022


The consistency of a communication campaign is important. It helps to maintain a consistent brand image, to support a sales pitch and price image. The local and in-store application of the global action plan is a major challenge for network brands.


How to deploy network communication based on national campaigns?


Giving point-of-sale networks the opportunity to communicate in-store or according to a local media plan is a major challenge for retail brands. It’s a question of giving a degree of freedom and creativity to local in-store teams, who are close to their customers while ensuring brand and communication plan consistency across the entire network.


The software created by ARISTID meets this need. Our Omnipublish by ARISTID software is at the heart of the creation of the offer and the commercial action plan of the retailer’s head office, bringing together all the information and graphic assets required for all possible variations for all kinds of publications.

Our Brand&Shop by ARISTID software is connected to this database, enabling it to be used directly by the point of sale, in compliance with the guidelines set by the brand’s marketing department.

This solution offers a specific interface and functionalities adapted to the needs of each head office and store.


With Brand&Shop by ARISTID, stores can print locally a wide range of local POS formats, shelf stoppers, posters, price tags and displays. It si possible to create local offers in-store, benefiting from the entire library of visuals and product descriptions. It is also possible to generate local campaigns, print or digital, and activate specific traffic ceration operations according to proximity needs.


76% of consumers are frustrated with standardized experiences. 

Source : McKinsey study quoted by LSA, 2022

Brand&Shop software

POS devices to boost your store’s impact?

Store front design

Your store’s windows and facade are its first points of media contact, and using them effectively can increase visibility and drive traffic. It’s crucial that the animation of this star medium is correlated with the commercial action plan. This gives the customer a strong indication of the rotation of the offer and the nature of the commercial highlights.

Flyer distribution and street marketing

Digital marketing allows for more precise and targeting of recipients and easier measurement of campaign results. They are many regulatory constraints on the distribution of flyers in the public domain, as well as the distribution brochures and advertising flyers in mailboxes.

The distribution of printed advertising remains an effective option for generating in-store traffic, but digital marketing offers additional advantages in terms of targeting and impact measurement.

POS diplays

Once you’ve convinced your prospect to visit your store, it’s important to dress up the aisles you want to highlight using POS.
Point-of-sale advertising represents all the advertising means and supports used to promote a product, a brand or a brand name. POS advertising are essential because they allow you to get a marketing message across very easily and in the right context.


What are the advantages of POS in your store?

Immediate Impact: In-store shoppers see the point-of-sale advertising and will react immediately. The impact is very significant and particularly useful for your flash sales or limited-time offers.

Product Promotion: PLV helps to highlight the product and encourage consumers to try or buy it. It generally brings “product benefits” that reinforce the perceived value of the commercial offer.

Enhanced Memory: It is more easily remembered by consumers because it is in a physical shopping context and it helps aisle managers to structure their offer and give rhythm to their product categories.

What POS display formats can be used?

These include: posters, brochures, touch screens and interactive kiosks, banners, gate advertising, shelf stoppers, printed and digital price tags, and displays.


In-store communication is essential for all retailers to enhance the customer’s in-store experience and maintain a close customer relationship. This communication comes in several formats, from the store front to the price tag… All of these devices must respond to an omnichannel strategy to maintain a strong brand image.

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